Sunday, May 13, 2012

Finals Week

The past week has basically been prepping for finals. Which start today. So not much was going on school-wise that was of any interest - just meeting up to study and spending hours in the darkroom making prints.

Really, the interesting stuff is all happening this week. And since I obviously can't go into details about that, since they haven't happened yet, I'll just give you the hectic rundown of what it is I'll be doing. (If you're not interested, now would be a good time to close the tab or window.)

This past Friday:

  1. Pick up movie reviews to grade for the philosophy professor I work for,
  2. pick up a gift from the [philosophy] department for graduating and for working with them this semester,
  3. meet my pastor to chat,
  4. and meet my other philosophy female friend to study.
  1. Present my photography portfolio at 10:30am,
  2. finish and return movie reviews,
  3. meet same friend for more studying,
  4. write last reflection paper for Human Sexuality,
  5. training in the evening.
  1. Study with same friend one more time (it's a big test),
  2. start studying for Human Sexuality and Sociology of Medicine (maybe?),
  3. reception for seniors at the president's house,
  4. Shiloh service specially for seniors (really looking forward to this).
  1. GAME TIME. Take oral review section of the philosophy senior seminar. It's 5 graduating (or soon-to-be-graduating) philosophy seniors conversing with the 3 professors about basically every key thing we ever learned. Takes about an hour and a half. I'm not worried about passing, but I do want to do well.
  2. Pick up one class's finals from the philosophy professor I work for, and go grade them asap.
  3. Study for Human Sexuality and Medical Sociology (for real this time).
  4. Pick up cap and gown (oh goodness).
  5. Breakfast for dinner with all my sweet girls! Still don't know what I'm gonna bring to this, but we're all supposed to bring some breakfast item. ...Probably fruit. :) I'm so excited about this. I get to see all my friends and have fun and play ukulele while my other friend plays her guitar... It's gonna be awesome!! :D
  6. Probably study a little bit more.
  1. Human Sexuality final at 8am,
  2. Medical Sociology final at 10:30am,
  3. pick up that professor's other class's finals and grade THOSE asap (I need money!!),
  4. go celebrate on the Quad, perhaps,
  5. early dinner with my suitemates at Flat Top Grill (should be quite tasty),
  6. training.
  1. Prayer breakfast in the cafeteria from 7:30-9,
  2. start packing!!,
  3. Mom comes in late afternoon,
  4. dinner somewhere.
  1. This is it. Graduation day. Line up is at 9am.
  2. 10-12, commencement ceremony.
  3. Late lunch with the family afterward.
  4. Load up and go home.
And Sunday I guess I'll go to church, unpack a little, maybe cry a little, but mostly praise God that He gave me the opportunity and the means to graduate college with flying colors. It's gonna be a dang busy week, but I can manage it if I act wisely. I'll probably rehash and flesh out the highlights next Monday. (I'll be a college grad this time next week!!)

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