Sunday, July 1, 2012

It's Summerrrrr

Well folks, not much going on lately. Independence Day is this week, and I'll either be doing something with my family or with some folks at my church (party!!). There'll be some celebration somewhere.

I wound up walking with the boot again for a couple days after my jaunt to Six Flags. I'm back to my wearing the shoes I bought for running now, though. (Those shoes in particular because they're built to support my feet. At least I get to break them in before I get back to running.) I scheduled a follow-up appointment with the doctor who saw me the first time. It's not for another couple weeks, but I'll be calling the doctor's office regularly to see if he's got an opening some time sooner. For now, my self-diagnosis is that it's not a simple strain; I think it really is a fracture, and there are some strained tendons/ligaments in my ankle. That's my self-diagnosis. I'm seriously considering getting back to just a little bit of training, and just where the boot for it. It's cumbersome and heavy, but if my foot isn't harmed by it, why not? It would be a challenge, too, trying to work out footing and all that jazz, since I wouldn't be as mobile.

It was crazy hot outside when I went out to get job applications - I think it got up to 105 that day. I got a couple paper applications, applied to Publix at their application kiosk, and wrote down a lot of websites for other places' applications. I'm still working my way through those, but I'm glad there's such a nice-sized net I can toss and still be within 5 miles of my house. (Applications are still tedious though, haha.)

I didn't mention it last time, but I finished Lord of Chaos and moved on to the next book, Crown of Swords. It's a good thing I've already got almost the entire series (missing the most recent book), because I hate having to wait to go on once my brain is ready to keep reading! There's gotta be at least a couple hours rest to decompress and process what just happened, but once that period ends, I've got to have the next book. Bookworm to the end!! :D

I helped out with the youth group again last night. I haven't said anything official, but one of the leaders has already put me on the list of helpers/leaders. I don't mind in the least - I don't intend to go anywhere. The kids are amazing, and it's so cool to hear their input and to witness them learning and growing. They're doing a study on Biblical manhood and womanhood, and I'm so glad. They all have great role models in their parents, but you can't solidify these lessons enough. It's imperative that they learn what it means to be men and women of God, what that looks like in everyday life. I wish I'd gone through this study or one like it when I was in youth group, but I'm glad I still learned most of what the study's going over and that I get to learn a little more with the kids. God's going to do great things with these kids and teens.

That's all I got for now! Have a great week and a fun, safe Fourth of July. :)

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