Monday, April 16, 2012

Is This the Real Life?

I pretty much exhausted my clever Monday-themed titles with last week's post. (Which was taken from the song "Monday, Monday" by the Mamas and the Papas. Good song.) If any of you have other clever ideas, go ahead and share them. Even if I don't use them for a post title, it'd bring a smile to face, and who doesn't like to make other people smile? ;)

Samford hosted its first ever TEDx event Friday. Some of my best friends are on the team that put it all together, so I went out and supported them Friday morning. This TED stuff is pretty interesting, actually. The notion behind it is a little nebulous, but it's basically opening people's eyes to how they're connected on so many more levels than they normally assume. (The "x" in "TEDx" basically means that it's an independent event that's not hosted by TED.) Some of the talks for the morning session were how our infant selves connect us (since we're all basically the same in our first year of life), how the news connects us (particularly pointing out social media interaction), and how vulnerability connects us. The morning session was great and gave me ideas that [in content] were completely unrelated to what I was hearing, but I think that was kind of the point. Hear other people's ideas, see connections you hadn't before, and then start making some connections and ideas of your own. I'm excited to see when they'll have their next event.

They had an afternoon session for TEDx, but I wasn't able to go to that because I was going home with some of my friends for the first time ever! I was pretty excited to see their house, chill with their family, and enjoy their mom's home cooking (I've had samples of it before when they've come back from a weekend at home). It was a great weekend with a lot of resting. Two of the five of us had homework to do, so they weren't as engaged, but the rest of us played cards, watched movies, read books... Chill stuff. :)

I actually watched 3 movies this weekend. The Matrix on Friday night, because I was in charge of choosing a movie and I found out 4 of the people in the house hadn't seen it before. That was fun, hearing them voice confused questions and saying, "I'd take the blue pill" or "I'd take the red pill." (Someone really did say the blue pill; made me sad. Why would you ignore the search for truth?) And we watched Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi on Saturday so I could start catching up; my suitemates and I are watching all the movies in order of release, and they got ahead of me big time. I watched Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace on the ride back to school Sunday and I still have Episode II to watch before I'm caught up!! Thankfully, one of the girls has some tests this week, so it'll be a while before we can all sit down for the final movie. Buys me some time.

Well, those are all the highlights. Not much of interest going on, haha. I've got to start studying for my oral review ASAP, which means things will get even less exciting during the week, though the next few weekends still have interesting things planned. We'll see.

Peace out.

Oh, before you go, check out this video one of my friends showed me over the weekend!

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